8 interview attitude tips to help you get the mining job you want

Here are eight tips to help you make a good impression in your mining job interview.

Two people shaking hands.

Congratulations, you’ve got an interview for the mining job you really want. The next step on your career ladder is within your grasp. What you do next really, really matters.

A job interview is really an opportunity for your potential employer (or the recruiter working with them) to understand whether you’re a good fit for the company. It’s about you, your personality, your attitude, the impression you make, the way you come across and the hopes, dreams and goals you express.

A lot of candidates don’t realise this, but by the time an employer or recruiter has decided to give you an interview, they broadly feel you either have the skills they need to do the job, or that you’re ready to step up. They’ve read your resume. That’s what got you here.

What they’re looking for in an interview is something more. What you say next, how you present yourself, and the attitude you go into that interview with are what really matter.

Here are eight tips to help you make a good impression in your interview, and put yourself ahead of the field.

Turn up on time

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you won’t believe how many people are late to interviews. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot! Leave yourself plenty of travel time.

If you’re being interviewed online, make sure your Zoom/Teams/Skype app is up-to-date and functioning properly, and you know how to operate it, so you don’t cause unnecessary delays and frustrations.

READ MORE: How to survive a video interview

Dress for success

Taking the effort to look smart shows respect to the interviewer. It also suggests you’re the kind of person who takes care with things… which subconsciously suggests you can be trusted with million-dollar pieces of equipment.

You don’t have to wear a suit (unless it’s appropriate for the position) but a clean, ironed, collared shirt and dress pants are a good starting point for most mining jobs. Polish your boots. Comb your hair. Shave.

Know about the company

Knowing about the company and the project/site you’ll be working on shows that this isn’t just another job for you. It shows you’ve taken an interest in the company and suggests you’re really interested in the role.

It’s a smart move to know what you’ll say if the interviewer asks, “why do you want to work for us?” You should have an answer that shows you understand the company and its goals and paints yourself as wanting to play a role in that future.

Think about your signals

What’s your posture like? How are you sitting? Are you making eye contact with the interviewers? Are you fidgeting?

If you’re slumped in your chair, if you’re looking at your feet or out the window, you’re making a terrible impression. Sit upright. Engage with the conversation in the room. Be attentive; be alert; be yourself.

Mind your manners

Needless to say, a job interview is a “best behaviour” situation. No swearing. Lots of pleases and thank yous. Nice firm handshakes hello and goodbye. Try to remember and use the names of the interviewing panel.

At the end of the interview, thank the interviewers for the opportunity and their time, say it was nice to meet them, and tell them you look forward to seeing them again soon.

6 tips to leave a lasting impression in a job interview

Show that you’re motivated

Interviewers want to see that you’re motivated, positive and enthusiastic — not just about the job, but about life in general. It’s why job ads often ask for a “self-starter”. Obviously, employers understand everyone has tough days, but they still want to give any job to someone who can spring into action under their own steam.

One way you can show enthusiasm is by expressing, towards the end of the interview, an intention to accept the role if it is offered to you. Something like “based on everything I’ve heard today, and what I know about the company, if I were offered the position I’d leap at it”, works well.

Have questions to ask

It’s quite common for interviewers to ask if you have any questions during an interview. This is your opportunity to lead the conversation and demonstrate your interest, so you should try to have a few questions up your sleeve.

Examples of questions you might ask include:

  • Was there anything on my resume that particularly stood out to you that made you believe I was suitable for the role?
  • What would I need to do to be a success in this role?
  • Are there particular challenges with this role you believe I’m well placed to handle?

READ MORE: The best and worst things to do after a job interview

Just be you

For all of the tips above, authenticity is still important. You have to be you. Don’t put on a posh voice or be over the top or raise your pinkie finger to drink your tea, like you’re in Downton Abbey.

The interviewer wants to get to know who you are as a person to see whether you’re a good fit for their company and the role. Pretending to be someone or something you’re not is completely counterproductive. Most seasoned interviewers can see through it when a candidate is trying too hard.

To be considered for unlisted jobs, make sure to register with us so we have your details on file.

Dan Hatch
Mining People International