Build wealth faster by keeping more of what you earn!

Marketers spend a lot of time, energy and money promoting 'cheap is best'.

Australian money

Please enter an image description.Marketers spend a lot of time, energy and money promoting ‘cheap is best’. You may not realise it – but there is huge competition for your car loan, credit card, term deposit, superannuation and mortgage dollars … providers taking your money in fees and interest. We see it everywhere – on the TV, Internet, radio and daily papers trying to persuade us, as they know we are all looking to save a buck or two (how far do we drive to fill up the car and the purchase of yearly voucher books?)

Maybe we can live with the small item purchases for a year or two before replacing them. But what about financial decisions that affect your whole life? What cost will you really pay for your mortgage, credit card, personal loan, super, insurance and poor cash flow management over the mid – long term? Imagine if you could package savings from each of these areas and put these dollars into your savings instead. This is the start to better wealth creation and new, better lifestyle opportunities.

How many days per week do you currently work,  to earn money that you then  pay  to the ATO, your bank, credit / car loan company and super fund? Do any of these providers really have your best interests in mind? How many ideas have they given you to help reduce these major long term expenses? How much of a difference would it make if you could take some of those days back and contribute towards your wealth?

Cash management is a basic ingredient to wealth creation and making a better lifestyle for you and your family. The results that can be achieved, especially over longer time frames, have the ability to change peoples’ lives and open up tremendous opportunities.

One side of the coin is cost, which we need to be mindful of, but what is the cost of not knowing a better way? This is definitely not the time for ‘everything will be alright’. What will it cost for not getting where you want to go?

They say that with knowledge comes power. In this case, the power to put your cash to work for you. Reducing the cost of debt, building a nest egg, maybe saving tax by being aware of what to pay first.

The other side of the coin is value, measured in dollars saved, creating more wealth, achieving financial objectives, piece of mind and financial guidance in good and rough times. Lets really ‘compare the pair’ for when you see both sides of the coin you can make an educated decision on which plan you want, one based on cost or one based on value.

It’s time you start thinking about getting your money working better for you. It will make you and your family happier and it will also give you more financial security now and in the future. Fill out this online form now and I’ll get in touch for a no obligation chat. 

This article was written by Andrew George. Andrew is an Authorised Representative from Charter Financial Planning. He has over five years experience in the financial services industry and can work one-on-one with you to help you become smarter with your finances. Any feedback directed to Andrew can be sent to

Disclaimer: The views and opinions of authors expressed do not necessarily state or reflect those of Mining People International.