Mining & fitness: Want more than the gym on site?

No gym on site? No problem! Let's take a look at how to stay fit without it.

Two men running

A healthy body leads to a healthy mind and both of these things help you live a long and happy life.

Yet many of us still struggle to lead healthy lifestyles, even when we live at home. For miners in the Australian mining industry, it can be extra difficult to find the time ­– or find a routine – that works.

Looking for a job in the mining industry, whether the site has a gym or not? Register with Mining People .

But working on a mine site doesn’t mean that you have to skimp on your health. While many mining jobs have a gym on site, you don’t need to rely on them to make sure you have a fitness routine to keep you in shape.

The main criteria for a good fitness plan are exercises that require no equipment or very minimal equipment. You could bring a skipping rope on site, or you could do 30 burpees a day to get a full body workout that accelerates your heart rate, thus accomplishing your cardio requirements.

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Top 5 YouTube workouts for FIFO workers

If you struggle to self-motivate or lack inspiration on which bodyweight and cardio exercises you can do indoors, why not turn to YouTube? You can download clips to watch offline so they can come with you wherever you are.

Here are our five favourite workouts that can be done anywhere. 

  1. Cardio HIIT Workout for People Who Get Bored Easily
  • 30 minutes
  • No equipment necessary

HIIT is a great way to get a killer cardio workout with a minimal time investment. This one boosts strength and fitness, requires no equipment and has no repetitive moves.

  1. Total Body Deep Stretch Yoga for Runners and HIIT Athletes
  • 30 minutes
  • Great for strength

Some may not see yoga as ‘proper exercise’, but stretching is important for every person at every fitness level. Yoga builds strength and is much harder than you think.

  1. Total Body Active Static Workout
  • 20 minutes
  • Requires a chair

This is a nice bite-sized workout that uses active and passive interval exercises to give you a full body workout. The only prop required is a chair.


RELATED: Work, fun and fitness – how to have it all

  1. Advanced Bodyweight Strength Training Workout
  • 20 minutes
  • No equipment required

For a tough routine full of slower-moving strength moves, this one is the goods. This one is guaranteed to make you feel the burn! 

  1. The 10 Minute No Weights, No Problem Workout
  • 10 minutes
  • That’s right, 10 minutes. You have no excuse!

For the really time-poor FIFO worker here is a short no-excuses workout to squeeze into your day.

If you’re looking for your next mining job opportunity, register with Mining People . We’ve been helping find the right job for the right person for more than two decades.

Stephanie O'Brien
Mining People International