What makes a good recruiter?

What makes a good recruiter? Let's explore what to look for.

what makes a good recruiter

Recruiters, like everything in this world, come in all shapes, sizes and capabilities. There are bad, average, and excellent, and figuring out which is which can prove difficult for many businesses. Every recruiter, whether good or bad, will be promoting themselves to you and trying to win your business, so how can you sort the wheat from the chaff?

How do the excellent stand out amongst the average? Look for these top five qualities to identify an excellent recruiter:


How do you find a new recruiter? Chances are the next recruiter you fall in love with will begin as an unknown person that has called or emailed you to introduce themselves and their capability. Chances are you will tell them thanks but no thanks, you work with other recruiters, or you do your recruitment in-house. The tenacious recruiter will graciously wish you the best, politely highlight how they can help should you need it, and prepare you that they will keep in touch. Over time the tenacious recruiter turns into a friendly, familiar voice on the other line, gradually building your relationship and winning over your trust and willingness to do business with them. The tenacious recruiter is in it for the long-haul, not just the quick wins.


We all know that a written job description can never fully translate what that role is like. An excellent recruiter knows how to dig deep, not only into the role but into the personality and dynamic of the organisation and every individual the role comes into contact with. An excellent recruiter understands that these dynamics and personalities of individuals, the hiring manager and the organisation, are as critical to the role as the technical capabilities of the candidate.


Every industry is unique, and every role within each industry has its own nuances to be learnt. Particularly the mining industry in Australia. Jacks-of-all-trades can be masters of none, particularly when it comes to mining jobs. Specialist recruiters live and breathe their niche; they network in their space and they invest in developing themselves and expanding their knowledge to keep abreast of all current news and happenings within their area. 


Excellent consultants, recruitment or otherwise, know how to solve problems. Problem-solving recruiters will not rely solely on the tools their organisation provides them. They will find new tools and think outside of the box to find the unfindable. They provide solutions, never problems, to their clients.

Strong Communication

In recruitment, communication is critical and proactive communication is golden. Communication helps to keep all parties calm and comfortable at each step. Every recruiter is going to update you when they find a candidate, but excellent recruiters are going to communicate their process so that you and all candidates involved in your process know the strategy, the current status, the next steps and when to expect another update.

MPi is a team of excellent recruiters. We live and breathe mining recruitment and we continuously strive to exceed our client's expectations with tenacity, in-depth understanding of their business, specialist focus, problem-solving and impeccable communication. For mining employment specialists that go above and beyond, contact us today.


Stephanie O'Brien
Mining People International