Where recruiters often go wrong

Shortlist published an article on how recruiters are abandoning hiring managers at offer stage. Here is our take.

Picture of a Recuiter

Shortlist recently published an article (paywall) discussing how too many recruiters are abandoning hiring managers at offer stage.

This is sadly all too common across the industry and this is exactly what divides businesses when it comes to valuing or despising recruiters. In our experience, those that do not value recruitment agencies have unfortunately never worked with someone offering them any value.

In the article, Peak Sales Recruiting operations director Royce Robbins said: “if recruiters want to be more valued as partners in their organisations, they need to be more interested in what success will look like beyond the immediate aftermath of a hire.”

We could not agree more.

The article covered three main areas where recruiters are dropping the ball:

  • Not keeping in touch with businesses after they’ve closed the deal
  • Not assisting their clients with the interview process
  • Not understanding the true objectives or impacts of the role they’re trying to fill.

As experts in the recruitment process, we should be partnering with clients. Our role is not simply to throw a body at a position but to understand our client’s needs and offer solutions to fill them. This can be everything from finding people for the role, through to helping them with the interviews, and even having tough conversations long after someone has been placed.

RELATED: How to streamline your recruitment process

Here is what good recruiters do, and how other recruiters can turn their service around:

Periodic check-in’s

Sounds so obvious but remember that the relationships you build in the quiet time will bear fruits in the peak time. A call every three months gives you the opportunity not only to develop rapport but also to learn about your client. This will make you a more effective partner when they’re ready to hire.

Don’t expect anything; earn it

There is an attitude prevalent in some sections of the recruitment industry that needs to be quashed. Just because a client is hiring does not mean that any recruiter is entitled to work on it. Recruiters must earn the roles we are given by proving to clients that we know their organisation, as well as the market and everyone in it.

Ask questions, then listen

Some recruiters don’t ask the right questions because they are scared they’ll hear something they don’t want to. But questions help you learn.

Here are the most important questions to ask when picking up a new role:

  • What does this role mean to your business?
  • What impact does this position have on your business?

RELATED: How to retain staff in the mining industry

MPi has more than 23 years’ involvement in the mining industry in Australia, and establishing long-term relationships has been vital to our success. The results we achieve for our candidates in finding mining jobs and for our clients offering mining recruitment services would have been impossible if not for our dedication to fostering relationships, in the slow times as well as the busy times.

To work with an agency that won’t leave you high and dry following placement, get in touch with the team at MPi. 

Stephanie O'Brien
Mining People International