Merging More Than Metrics: The Critical Role of Culture in Mining M&A
The mining industry is experiencing a wave of mergers and acquisitions as competition for assets and capital intensifies. While these deals promise benefits, realising the full potential of ‘1+1 equalling more than 2’ is a complex endeavour. At the heart of successful integration lies the often-overlooked factor: cultural alignment.
It’s time for diversity quotas. Here’s why
Diversity quotas that encourage more women into mining are the industry’s best hope for conquering the skills shortage while leveraging the benefits of a diverse workforce.
Have you got your board composition right?
It’s alarming how regularly I see mining companies in transition make poor decisions about board appointments. These are the six biggest mistakes companies make.
People, pricing and production subsidies – navigating cyclical nickel.
Nickel’s fall into the doldrums has sparked a rapid rationalisation of plans and projects by mining companies involved in the commodity. While redundancies are inevitable, my advice is to do everything you can to hang on to your best people. Here’s why.
Mining leadership: The 10 qualities of truly principled people
As mining industry leaders, we should be hiring for high character, not just skills and experience. Here’s why.
Do we really need to look overseas for talent? Idea #1
Over the last 6 months, there has been a rising groundswell of commentary promoting the need to head offshore in search of talent. With significant risks surrounding people's real technical capability as well as cultural fit, is this really the panacea that's being suggested or are there other avenues available to us?
The top motivator for switching mining jobs has pivoted massively
Career development opportunities and salary have overtaken work-life balance as the top priority of mining industry employees searching for new jobs, research reveals.
Mining’s future isn’t just the market, it’s marketing
When it comes to our commodities, we can’t just think about the market anymore; we have to think about the marketing, too, says MPi boss Steve Heather.
What do successful mining mergers and acquisitions look like?
A successful mining M&A needs to demonstrate that ‘1+1 = more than 2’, but achieving that is not as simple as it sounds. Here’s why merging cultures matters.
Even in mining there’s no such thing as a labour shortage
MPi’s Steve Heather says mining doesn’t need to experience a labour shortage, but it does need to get over its bias if it wants to avoid one.
If your CEO doesn’t have an innovation strategy, you probably have the wrong CEO.
The mining leaders of today have a huge role to play in preparing the next generation of leaders for smart mine technology. Our industry depends on it.
How are you travelling?
No-one could have anticipated the way 2020 is unfolding. How are you, your teams, and your families, holding up?
Women in Mining - It’s 2020 why have we not done more?
Mining’s social licence to operate is under more scrutiny than ever before, and it’s time we did more for women in mining.
Preparing financial forecasts amid COVID uncertainty
With the new financial year fast approaching will you, as a mining business leader during a pandemic, prepare three different forecasts? Or not bother at all?
Post crisis mining opportunities will be plentiful for those who remain optimistic.
Coronavirus is not just a health crisis; it’s an economic one. What will the Australian mining industry look like on the other side of it?
COVID-19: Lessons for leaders, from our leaders and are you ready for what comes next?
The qualities of leadership make a difference in times of crisis. How are our world leaders stacking up?
Corporate culture: Own it and just do it
Whether you achieve your 2020 objectives will, to a large degree, be determined by your corporate culture.
After a brutal year in mining for some, are you OK?
2019 was, for many people in mining, a brutal year. So with the new year upon us, it’s a good time not just to reflect on our years, but to ask others how they’re coping.
Here are some real-life facts about mining and minerals
The Australian mining industry must be more proactive about promoting the incredible things mining allows humanity to achieve – including creating a cleaner future.
How to fix the mining capital and staff shortage with the same response
Both the capital shortage affecting the small end of the mining industry and a looming skills shortage could potentially be solved by the same action.