Apr 11, 2017

10 fast facts about Kalgoorlie's massive Super Pit

What do you know about Australia's 'Super Pit'? Find out 10 fast facts and see if it could be your next challenge.

Map of Australia
Map of Australia
Apr 11, 2017

Are mining companies recruiting overseas?

The Australian job market is tough, but are mining companies recruiting close to home or further afield?

Cartoon of a mouse leaning on some dynamite
Cartoon of a mouse leaning on some dynamite
Apr 10, 2017

16 funniest resumes recruiters have ever received

Can being funny on your resume get you the job? We asked recruiters for the funniest approaches they've seen.

Old mine shaft
Old mine shaft
Mar 14, 2017

What happens when a mine is no longer useful?

What happens to a mine when it has finished its productive life?

Night shift on a mine site
Night shift on a mine site
Mar 10, 2017

What night shift does to your body (and can it make you fat?)

Night shift can have a negative impact on your health. Here's how you can reduce the effects.

Stacks of coins
Stacks of coins
Mar 09, 2017

5 things you can do to secure your financial future

Looking after your finances now will help set you up for the future. Here are five steps to make that happen.

A horse
A horse
Feb 20, 2017

Dealing with 'neigh' sayers in the workplace

Here are 4 tips from the world of horse training to make your workplace happier and more effective.

Woman using a walkie talkie
Woman using a walkie talkie
Feb 17, 2017

Women in mining: Just how supportive is our industry?

How supportive is mining of women?

Caterpillar R3000H
Caterpillar R3000H
Feb 16, 2017

Mining Monsters! 5 spectacular mining machines

Ever wondered which enormous pieces of mining industry equipment were the biggest? Find out our top 5 picks.

The White House
The White House
Feb 16, 2017

Trump bump? The US President's effect on Aussie gold

How are new President Donald Trump's fiscal policies affecting the Australian mining industry? Find out here.

Radio active sign
Radio active sign
Feb 16, 2017

How safe is it to work in a uranium mine?

Are you interested in a career in uranium mining? It's important to know all the facts first. Find out here.

A woman walking through a canyon
A woman walking through a canyon
Feb 10, 2017

Never accept that you're 'just another' anything

It's important to respect everyone's skills and achievements - that's why no one is ever 'just another' anything.

Crystal ball
Crystal ball
Jan 13, 2017

2017: A gaze into the crystal ball

Not all predictions are created equal. What do the experts say is in store for us in 2017?

Dec 14, 2016

Save time, stop answering; "Can you get me a job in the industry?"

Minedex is a site you can refer people to for realistic and honest information about getting a start in the industry. Get your time back as the answers are here.

HAppy miner
HAppy miner
Dec 09, 2016

What do you want from us?

We first produced MPI LIFE 6 years ago.

Nov 15, 2016

What the global mining industry looks like

From drone footage to selfies, here is a real life snapshot of the global mining industry.

Nov 15, 2016

Ensuring the best results from your career assessment

There is nothing fair or equitable in the selection process illustrated above.

Classifieds and cover letter
Classifieds and cover letter
Nov 15, 2016

How to transfer your skills to a life after mining

Not all mining jobs have a long life span. Find out how your skills can be translated for non-mining jobs.

driver less dump truck
driver less dump truck
Oct 10, 2016

Skills of the future worker

We are part of an era being likened to the industrial revolution in how much change will occur in the workplace, to roles, to industry and how we all work.

Oct 15, 2015

Why did someone else get YOUR mining job promotion?

Early in my career I witnessed what I deemed to be, travesties of justice as my colleagues were promoted ahead of me.