How to turn a good mining resume into a great one.
by Dan Hatch
A good resume might get read, but a great resume will get you an interview. So, how do you turn a good resume into a great one?
by Dan Hatch
A good resume might get read, but a great resume will get you an interview. So, how do you turn a good resume into a great one?
by Dan Hatch
For mining jobseekers, January presents a fantastic opportunity to find that perfect new job.
by Dan Hatch
Having a criminal record makes getting a job difficult. So how do you get a mining job if you have a record?
by Dan Hatch
What are the pros and cons of being a FIFO worker in 2024?
by Dan Hatch
Here’s our best advice for how to get a mining job through a specialist recruitment agency.
by Dan Hatch
Let’s talk about when it’s OK to leave a mining job interview early (and how to do it so you don’t ruin your reputation in the industry long-term).
by Dan Hatch
With two job offers on the table, you’re probably focused on your salary and benefits package options, but spare a thought for courtesy.
by Dan Hatch
Here’s how mining jobseekers and mining companies can find the right recruiter to work with.
by Dan Hatch
Do you have the skills the mining industry needs? Could your next job be in the mining industry, even if your skill set isn’t one traditionally needed in mining?
by Dan Hatch
A job interview is your opportunity to prove you’re the best person for the job. Here are some tips to help you do just that
by Dan Hatch
If you resign from your mining job, there’s a very good chance your employer will come to you with a counteroffer. Here’s what to do.
by Dan Hatch
We've always been told to include referees in resumes. But can it actually be a bad career move?
by Dan Hatch
Is a little white lie on your application for a mining job or your resume really going to matter?
by Dan Hatch
Our recruiters explain how your social media accounts can be your best friend or your worst enemy when you’re looking for a mining job.
by Dan Hatch
Being a mining industry recruiter in a skills shortage can be intense even when things are running smoothly, so here are our tips for avoiding 5 common and costly mistakes.
by Dan Hatch
Not sure how to set up your LinkedIn profile to boost the chances of your mining job search? Here are our five expert tips.
by Dan Hatch
What’s the most effective way to search for a mining job in Australia? The answer might surprise you!
by Dan Hatch
Know where you want your career to go and how you'll get there? If not, it might be time to get a mentor.
by Dan Hatch
Find out how to increase your chances of getting the mining job of your dreams, or reaching the next step on your career ladder, by networking.
by Dan Hatch
Mining jobs are changing fast. Here is how you can skill yourself so you’re prepared for the industry’s future needs and ensure you have a long career.
by Dan Hatch
Having a mid-career crisis? If you’re ready for a change but don’t know what it is yet, here’s our expert advice.
As mining industry leaders, we should be hiring for high character, not just skills and experience. Here’s why.
by Dan Hatch
Here are the top 10 things recruiters are looking for in a resume when hiring people for an entry-level role.
by Dan Hatch
What’s the right thing to do after a job interview? Should you follow up? Or just wait to hear back. Here are our top tips.
by Dan Hatch
Here are 4 questions to ask a mining industry recruiter, to ensure you’re going to get good service (before you send them your CV).
So, you’re unhappy at work and you’re thinking about quitting your mining industry job. But is the grass really greener on the other side?
by Dan Hatch
How do you know if a mining job is right for you? Questions to ask yourself at every stage of the job application process.
by Dan Hatch
Cover letter writing is an art. Here’s how to do it well, get the attention of recruiters and win the mining job of your dreams.
by Dan Hatch
Do you have skills and experience in civil construction, engineering or technology and want to know whether there might be a job for you in the mining industry?
by Dan Hatch
With skills shortages impacting the mining industry, many employers are offering interesting incentives to attract workers.
by Dan Hatch
Has your workplace experienced a mass exodus of staff recently? Should you stay, or should you follow them out the door?
by Dan Hatch
What does global demand for battery minerals like lithium mean for mining industry jobs in Australia?
Networking isn't an activity many people enjoy, but you can learn to be good at it. Here are our top tips.
Our recruiter shares her top secrets for making a great impression. Find out how to maximize your chances for success with a potential employer.
Most often in FIFO or DIDO roles, you don’t get to choose your team mates.
Negotiating your salary can be tricky, but with some planning and preparation you can achieve great results.
A resume convinces employers to interview you. If you want to succeed, don't make these common mistakes.
by Dan Hatch
No one likes to be left on the "scrap heap". Are you too old for a job in the mining industry?
by Dan Hatch
Whether you’re looking for your first mining job or the next step in your career, Mining People has some great resources you’ll find very useful in your job search.
by Dan Hatch
Find out how to write a resume that stands out (and can't be ignored) before applying for your next mining job.
by Dan Hatch
It is always worth spending time assessing whether a mining job opportunity is the right one for you and your long-term career.
Kalgoorlie is a town desperate for workers to move there and begin to call it home. But would you move there if the government paid you?
by Dan Hatch
Here are 6 tips to help ensure you’re recruiting top talent during mining’s skills shortage.
by Dan Hatch
In MPi’s June 2021 poll, we want to find out how well the mining industry responds to employees experiencing mental health difficulties. Have your say!
by Dan Hatch
If you’re applying for mining jobs, here are nine things you don’t want to include on your resume.
by Dan Hatch
What sorts of entry-level mining jobs are available in Kalgoorlie and what do they entail? How do I get one?
by Dan Hatch
The mining industry is in an exciting period of growth, so it’s working hard to attract graduates with these four qualities.
by Dan Hatch
Unhappy at work? Here's our best advice to help management-level mining industry employees work out what to do next
by Dan Hatch
LinkedIn is your online CV and might be the first impression you make on a potential employer — so getting it right is important. Here are 7 things you need to know to set up your profile to impress.
How can you make a good impression in mining as a millennial? We take a look.
Did you know that most job vacancies aren’t ever actually advertised? So, how do you find a mining job when it hasn’t been advertised? Get our best advice.
by Dan Hatch
What does it take to be successful in mining? We’ve collated firsthand advice from some of mining’s biggest names. Here’s what they had to say.
by Dan Hatch
What is the secret to leading a successful mining team? Here are 9 things you need to know.
by Dan Hatch
Here’s how working in a residential mining community can help advance your mining career.
by Dan Hatch
Does who you know in the mining industry outweigh what you know? We look at this age-old adage and whether it's still relevant in the workforce today.
by Dan Hatch
If you’re looking for a new mining job you might be tempted to rely on your LinkedIn profile to impress potential employers. But it’s still vital to have a resume.
by Dan Hatch
Here’s our cheat sheet to help you win the mining job of your dreams.
by Dan Hatch
Choosing the right referee can help you land your dream mining job. Here’s what you and your referee need to know about job references.
by Dan Hatch
The Australian mining industry has plenty of great career opportunities for millennials and generation Zers. Find out more about these options, here.
by Dan Hatch
Why wait for someone else to provide you with an opportunity to develop your mining career? Here’s what to do instead.
by Dan Hatch
Why use a recruiter for your next mining job? Here are 5 reasons you should leverage a recruitment agency.
by Dan Hatch
Technology is changing the way the mining industry works, so what will the mining jobs of the future look like?
by Dan Hatch
Is it ever possible to futureproof your career in the mining and resources sector?
Many jobseekers' LinkedIn profiles are working against them. Here are 5 common mistakes, along with solutions.
How to work when you're most productive. Let's explore simple steps to harness your peak performance.
What makes a good goal? And how do you achieve your goals in both your mining career and your personal life?
by Dan Hatch
Here's all the information you need to hit the ground running with your mining job search.
Are rosters and flexible work patterns contributing to the skills shortage in mining? You bet. Here’s how.
by Dan Hatch
Find out what you could earn as an HR professional in the Australian mining industry.
The number of Western Australians employed in mining has reached a record level. Here is what that means for mining professionals.
Too many recruiters are guilty of not reading resumes properly and not returning calls. It’s time to change.
Do people who work in mining have any clear idea of the pay gap between men and women in our industry?
Are you getting interviews but no offers? Here are four reasons to consider using an interview coach.
Mining People MD Steve Heather looks at how to use lawyers correctly - and the wider lessons for life and business.
If you missed this year's Women in Mining event in Perth, here's what happened.
Too often victims of harassment and bullying are unable to speak up, and witnesses remain silent.
How can we keep WASM graduates in Kalgoorlie? Vocational training is one way to get them to stay. We explore.
by Dan Hatch
Here are the 6 biggest challenges facing mining industry recruiters today and what to do about them.
Sleep deprivation is bad for your health and can be dangerous on a mine site. Let's take a look at the signs.
by Dan Hatch
Could the skills shortage be solved if mining companies employed and trained unskilled labour?
Our latest poll found the mining industry's skills shortage is starting to bite. What else did our poll discover?
The mining industry is on the cusp of a skills shortage. Who and what are to blame? And what can we do about it?
Tired of working when you should be resting, playing or spending time with family and friends?
It's time we had an important conversation about ageism and its effect on the mining industry.
by Dan Hatch
Why aren't young people attracted to mining anymore? And who''s responsible for promoting the industry?
There is no shortage of people happy to offer you career advice. But should you listen?
Three simple steps to quit your mining job without risking your career.
by Dan Hatch
Casualisation of mining jobs is the topic of this month's poll, which also looks at unions in the workplace.
Competition for mining workers is getting fierce. It's time to get involved in training your future workforce.
Drones have taken a hold in the mining industry. Here's how it will impact the industry.
The salary conversation is a scary but necessary part of the recruitment process. Here's how to approach it.
How do you know your mining job is going to be around for the long term?
WA Government has just announced new automation jobs training: Did mining just get cool? Let's take a look.
Alternatives to accepting a zero dollar pay rise in 2018
What will and won't show up on my police clearance? Take a look at what to expect when getting a police check.
Why doesn't every company offer the even roster? MPi General Manager of Workforce Operations explains the reason.
by Dan Hatch
Here are 4 tips to help you approach a pain-free job search and land your next role, despite your busy FIFO roster.
Do you consider yourself a multitasker? You can actually accomplish a lot more if you're not.
Quitting your job is a big decision. It's even harder when you don't have another one to go to.
People who've never worked in mining can qualify as excellent candidates if they have the right skills.
Mining is highly regulated so if you want to succeed in a mining career, don't break the rules.
Recruiters (Internal & External) will check your social media accounts to get the full picture before considering you for a job.
If you want to ask for a pay rise, you have to be prepared. Here are our tips for success.
Declining a mining job offer is not easy, but do it right and it won't ruin your future chances with that employer.
If you feel there are not enough hours in the day, then you need these life hacks for time management.
How to prepare yourself for getting back into the Australian mining industry after a career break.
by Dan Hatch
The mining industry is experiencing an uptick and engineers are increasingly in demand. Here's what you need to know.
Jobs ads have come a long way. This is the future.
Vocational Educational Training is relevant to future job opportunities for everyone.
by Dan Hatch
How does Australia's mining industry ensure local Aboriginal people get a good share of job opportunities created?
Each generation contributes differently to the workplace. So, what do those differences look like in practice?
Been told you are too qualified for a job? Our expert recruiter explains the ways to work around this.
Are you interested in a career in uranium mining? It's important to know all the facts first. Find out here.
A mining people survey reveals just how many people exaggerate to get a job. But is it a good idea?
New Year's resolutions tend to be about lifestyle, but have you considered making a New Year's "career resolution"?
What are employers in the mining sector looking for in graduates seeking their first job?
For some people, a new year is viewed as an opportunity to set New Year's resolutions and tick off the previous year's achievements.
Minedex is a site you can refer people to for realistic and honest information about getting a start in the industry. Get your time back as the answers are here.
There is nothing fair or equitable in the selection process illustrated above.
Not all mining jobs have a long life span. Find out how your skills can be translated for non-mining jobs.
But just how big is the Australian iron ore industry? Let's have a look at it, in numbers.
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of living in a remote mining town?
We are part of an era being likened to the industrial revolution in how much change will occur in the workplace, to roles, to industry and how we all work.
I was recently speaking with someone who told me that after more than 20 years with the same employer, his role had been made redundant. Although he’d really wanted to change careers, he said he didn’t know where to start. So instead he found a new job that was very similar to his old role.
Here are six questions to ask yourself if you want a job in Australia's mining industry.
STEM subjects have been getting a lot of political attention lately. Here's why they're vital for a mining career.
Here are 4 ways to stay optimistic and healthy when times are tough.
Being turned away for a role because you've got too much experience or over-qualified sounds counter intuitive, right?
Early in my career I witnessed what I deemed to be, travesties of justice as my colleagues were promoted ahead of me.
Some families get so used to the FIFO/DIDO lifestyle that the idea of a ‘normal’ relationship sounds pretty scary.
Tread with care. You're job hunting, but should you tell your boss?
The mining game has caused many of us to quit, look further afield and start again” - Lou Adler CEO, best-selling author, created Performance-based Hiring. Recent book: The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired
Clever Perth brothers Chris and Daniel Del Borrello have just launched a website linking FIFO workers with rental accommodation. Not surprisingly, it's a hit...
Ever feel that the FIFO lifestyle sucks your time and energy?
HAND shakes matter. They are an important part of our business (and personal) life. Getting it wrong can create awkward moments and distract from making a good first impression.
This article is based on a post in The Savage Truth. I have summarised the article (entitled “Are you an E-mail E-diot?”) but acknowledge the source as Greg Savage.
How employers can (and need to) help and a final word to candidates.
After decades of work most people look forward to their retirement as a time to sit back and enjoy all their hard work.
In January we often try to predict what the next 12 months might deliver to the mining game.
This article quotes directly from a blog post by Naomi Simson, founder of online gift retailer RedBalloon. See Naomi’s blog at naomisimson.com or visit RedBalloon at redballoon.com.au
More and more employees are planning to jump ship in Australia and the UK when the recession ends.
The following article was based on excerpts from "The Source of Talent 2009" study produced by Phillip Tusing at Destination Talent www.destinationtalent.com.au and Michael Specht at Inspecht. www.inspecht.com.au
It's been a while since we presented a page of short and sweet top tips and timeless pearls of wisdom. Perhaps that some of us now have time to relax (a little) and reflect (a little) some of these messages might find their way inside you. Enjoy!
Opinion: There has been a lot of recent talk about getting more Women into mining, more Indigenous Australian's into mining, more Older people into mining and of course getting more Overseas Workers into mining:
This article was based on a report of a study carried out by the University of Sydney, with support from the Business Council of Australia.
by Dan Hatch
A good resume might get read, but a great resume will get you an interview. So, how do you turn a good resume into a great one?
by Dan Hatch
For mining jobseekers, January presents a fantastic opportunity to find that perfect new job.
by Dan Hatch
Having a criminal record makes getting a job difficult. So how do you get a mining job if you have a record?
by Dan Hatch
What are the pros and cons of being a FIFO worker in 2024?
by Dan Hatch
Here’s our best advice for how to get a mining job through a specialist recruitment agency.
by Dan Hatch
Let’s talk about when it’s OK to leave a mining job interview early (and how to do it so you don’t ruin your reputation in the industry long-term).
by Dan Hatch
With two job offers on the table, you’re probably focused on your salary and benefits package options, but spare a thought for courtesy.
by Dan Hatch
Here’s how mining jobseekers and mining companies can find the right recruiter to work with.
by Dan Hatch
Do you have the skills the mining industry needs? Could your next job be in the mining industry, even if your skill set isn’t one traditionally needed in mining?
by Dan Hatch
A job interview is your opportunity to prove you’re the best person for the job. Here are some tips to help you do just that
by Dan Hatch
If you resign from your mining job, there’s a very good chance your employer will come to you with a counteroffer. Here’s what to do.
by Dan Hatch
We've always been told to include referees in resumes. But can it actually be a bad career move?