A note on mental health and the mining industry
by Dan Hatch
In MPi’s June 2021 poll, we want to find out how well the mining industry responds to employees experiencing mental health difficulties. Have your say!
by Dan Hatch
In MPi’s June 2021 poll, we want to find out how well the mining industry responds to employees experiencing mental health difficulties. Have your say!
by Dan Hatch
Here’s how working in a residential mining community can help advance your mining career.
Are you getting interviews but no offers? Here are four reasons to consider using an interview coach.
If you missed this year's Women in Mining event in Perth, here's what happened.
The Western Australian Government's inquiry into the impact of FIFO work practices on mental health was tabled in Parliament on 18 June 2015. Has anything been done since then?
Financial Stress is becoming a leading cause of relationship and marriage problems, especially in times of uncertainty.
This is just a quick roundup of what I think helps for smooth sailing for FIFO life. These are the things that I do to get through each swing. These aren't in any order, just as I have thought of them.
In the mining industry, Christmas can mean several different things
There's no doubt the Fly In Fly Out lifestyle is tough on the families of mining workers.
There's a FIFO phrase that seems to be popping up a lot lately and it's called 'Black Day'.